
How Long Can a Dog Have Worms Before It Dies? Symptoms, Types and Treatment

sick dog in blanket
Source: unsplash

As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to be well-informed about common health issues that can affect your furry friend. One such concern is worm infestations in dogs. Worms are internal parasites that can reside in a dog’s intestines, posing significant risks to their health. Understanding the dangers of worm infestations, their symptoms, and the importance of timely treatment through deworming is crucial for ensuring the well-being and longevity of your canine companion.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about worms in dogs, how they can impact your pet’s health, and what you can do to prevent any adverse consequences.

What are Worms and How Do Dogs Get Infected?

Worms, also known as internal parasites, are common in dogs and can take residence in their intestines, sapping essential nutrients and causing various health problems. The most prevalent types of worms that affect dogs include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms. Dogs can become infected with worms through various sources, such as:

Ingesting contaminated soil or water: Dogs can pick up worm larvae from contaminated environments, especially areas frequented by other infected animals.

Consuming infected animals: Dogs that hunt or scavenge may ingest infected animals like rodents or fleas, leading to worm infestations.

Passing worms from an infected mother: Puppies can acquire worms from their mother while still in the womb or through nursing after birth.

What Are the Signs that a Dog Has Worms?

sick dog

Worm infestations in dogs can lead to various health problems, depending on the type and severity of the infection. Included among the signs indicative of a worm infestation are common symptoms such as:

Weight loss and poor appetite: Worms compete with the dog for nutrients, leading to malnutrition and weight loss.

Diarrhea or bloody stool: Infected dogs may experience frequent diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by blood.

Lethargy: A lack of energy or interest in regular activities can signify a worm infestation, as the dog’s body is busy battling the parasites and coping with nutrient loss.

Vomiting: Worms can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes leading to vomiting.

Anemia (pale gums, weakness): Hookworms, in particular, can cause anemia by feeding on the dog’s blood.

Itching and irritation around the anus: Dogs with worms may exhibit signs of discomfort and itchiness near the anus.

Potbellied appearance: Some worm infestations can cause a distended abdomen, giving the dog a potbellied appearance. If left untreated, worms can cause significant harm to a dog’s health and, in severe cases, even be fatal.

Wheezing: Along with coughing, dogs might exhibit a wheezing sound during respiration, a symptom often associated with respiratory tract worms.

How Long Can a Dog Have Worms Before It Dies?

The time it takes for worms to cause severe consequences or death in dogs can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the type of worms, the overall health of the dog, and how quickly the infestation is addressed through treatment. Some worms can cause rapid and severe damage, while others may take longer to reach critical levels.

Detecting worms early and seeking timely veterinary care is paramount to saving your dog’s life. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian and following their recommended deworming schedule are essential for preventing worm infestations from becoming life-threatening.

The Different Types of Worms in Dogs

Let’s delve deeper into the characteristics, symptoms, and modes of transmission of the most common types of worms that affect dogs:


Roundworms are among the most common intestinal parasites in dogs. They resemble long spaghetti and can grow several inches in length. Puppies can acquire roundworms from their mother, while adult dogs may contract them from contaminated soil or feces. Symptoms of roundworm infestation include a pot-bellied appearance, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and a dull coat.


Hookworms are tiny parasites that attach themselves to the intestinal lining and feed on blood. They can cause anemia, weakness, poor growth, and dark, tarry stools. Hookworm larvae can also enter through the skin, causing skin irritation and inflammation. Dogs can get hookworms by ingesting them, through skin contact, or from their mother while nursing.


Whipworms are thin worms that reside in the large intestine of dogs. They can cause symptoms like chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration. Whipworm eggs are found in the feces and can survive in the environment for extended periods. Dogs usually become infected by ingesting the eggs from contaminated soil or licking their paws.


Tapeworms are flatworms consisting of segments that can reach several inches in length. They affix themselves to the lining of the dog’s intestines, extracting nutrients. Dogs can contract tapeworms by consuming fleas or rodents that harbor tapeworm larvae. Symptoms of tapeworm infestation include weight loss, scooting, and rice-like segments in the feces.

Two dogs playing on the grass with a plastic bottle.
Source: Unsplash

How Can I Prevent Worms in Dogs?

Prevention is crucial when it comes to worms in dogs. Regular deworming, as recommended by veterinarians, helps eliminate existing worms and prevents re-infestation. Commencing at a young age, it is advisable to deworm puppies, as they are more vulnerable to worm infections.

Adult dogs should also undergo regular deworming treatments, typically every three to six months, depending on their lifestyle and potential exposure to worms. Your veterinarian can guide you on the appropriate deworming schedule for your dog based on its specific needs.


Being informed about the dangers of worm infestations and understanding the importance of regular deworming and preventive measures can significantly contribute to your dog’s overall health and happiness. Detecting and treating worm infestations promptly and routine veterinary check-ups will ensure that your canine companion leads a long and healthy life free from the harmful effects of worms.

As a responsible pet owner, it is your duty to provide the best care for your beloved dog; a worm-free existence is critical to that care. Prevention is always better than cure, so stay vigilant, stay informed, and keep your furry friend safe from worms!